Maelezo: Mfululizo wa DC Flanged eccentric kipepeo ya kipepeo inajumuisha muhuri mzuri wa diski ya kubakiza na ama kiti muhimu cha mwili. Valve ina sifa tatu za kipekee: uzito mdogo, nguvu zaidi na torque ya chini. Characteristic: 1. Eccentric action reduces torque and seat contact during operation extending valve life 2. Suitable for on/off and modulating service. 3. Kulingana na saizi na uharibifu, kiti kinaweza kurekebishwa shambani na katika hali fulani, zilizorekebishwa kutoka nje ...
UD Series Sleeve laini ya kipepeo iliyoketi ni muundo wa manyoya na flanges, uso kwa uso ni EN558-1 20 mfululizo kama aina ya wafer. Tabia: 1. Mashimo ya kurekebisha hufanywa kwenye flange kulingana na kiwango, kusahihisha rahisi wakati wa usanidi. 2.Kutoa bolt-nje au bolt ya upande mmoja inayotumika. Rahisi kuchukua nafasi na matengenezo. 3. Kiti laini cha sleeve kinaweza kutenga mwili kutoka kwa media. Maagizo ya Utendaji wa Bidhaa 1. Viwango vya Flange ya Bomba vinapaswa kuendana na viwango vya valve ya kipepeo; Pendekeza kutumia weld ...
Description: YD Series Wafer butterfly valve 's flange connection is universal standard,and the material of handle is aluminium;It can be used as a device to cut-off or regulate the flow in various medium pipes. Through selecting different materials of disc and seal seat, as well as the pinless connection between disc and stem,the valve can be applied to worse conditions, such as desulphurization vacuum, sea water desalinization. Tabia: 1. ndogo kwa ukubwa na mwanga katika uzani na ...
Description: MD Series Lug type butterfly valve allows downstream pipelines and equipments online repair, and it can be installed on pipe ends as exhaust valve. Vipengele vya upatanishi wa mwili wa lugged huruhusu ufungaji rahisi kati ya flanges za bomba. Kuokoa gharama halisi ya ufungaji, inaweza kusanikishwa katika mwisho wa bomba. Tabia: 1. ndogo kwa ukubwa na mwanga katika uzito na matengenezo rahisi. Inaweza kuwekwa popote inapohitajika. 2. Rahisi, muundo wa kompakt, haraka 90 digrii On-Off Operesheni 3. Disc H ...
Description: EZ Series Resilient seated NRS gate valve is a wedge gate valve and Non-rising stem type, and suitable for use with water and neutral liquids (sewage). Tabia: -Ni -Line Uingizwaji wa Muhuri wa Juu: Ufungaji rahisi na matengenezo. -Integral mpira-clad disc: kazi ya sura ya chuma ya ductile ni mafuta-clad pamoja na mpira wa utendaji wa juu. Kuhakikisha muhuri mkali na kuzuia kutu. -Kuingiliana na lishe ya shaba: kwa njia ya mchakato maalum wa kutupwa. Nut ya shaba ya shaba imeunganishwa ...
Description: Slight resistance Non-return Backflow Preventer (Flanged Type) TWS-DFQ4TX-10/16Q-D – is a kind of water control combination device developed by our company, mainly used for water supply from urban unit to the general sewage unit strictly limit the pipeline pressure so that the water flow can only be one-way. Kazi yake ni kuzuia kurudi nyuma kwa bomba la kati au hali yoyote siphon inarudi nyuma, ili kuzuia uchafuzi wa mazingira. Tabia: 1. Ni ya Co ...
Description: TWS Flanged Static balancing valve is a key hydraulic balance product used for precise flow regulating of water pipelines system in HVAC application to ensure static hydraulic balance across whole water system. The series can ensure the actual flow of each terminal equipment and pipeline in line with the design flow in the phase of system initial commisiioning by site commissiong with flow measuring computer. Mfululizo huo hutumiwa sana katika bomba kuu, bomba la tawi na terminal eq ...
Description: The composite high-speed air release valve are combined with two parts of high-pressure diaphragm air valve and the low pressure inlet and exhaust valve ,It has both exhaust and intake functions. The high-pressure diaphragm air release valve automatically discharges the small amount of air accumulated in the pipeline when the pipeline is under pressure. Ulaji wa shinikizo la chini na valve ya kutolea nje haiwezi tu kutekeleza hewa kwenye bomba wakati bomba tupu limejaa maji, ...
◆Valve maalum ya kipepeo kwa desalination ya maji ya bahari
◆Valve ya kipepeo yenye laini-iliyotiwa laini
◆Desulfurization flange /vitunguu vya kipepeo vya katikatihutumiwa sana katika utaftaji wa gesi ya flue na hali zingine za kufanya kazi. Vifaa salama na vya kuaminika vilivyochaguliwa kulingana na hali ya kufanya kazi ili kukidhi mahitaji ya wateja.
Tianjin Tanggu Water-Seal Valve Co., Ltd.(TWS Valve) found in 1997,and is a professional manufacturer which intergrates design , development,production,installation,sales and service,we have 2 plants ,one in Xiaozhan Town, Jinnan , Tianjin ,other in Gegu Town, Jinnan ,Tianjin.Now we have become one of China's leading suppliers of water management valve products and product Solutions.Furthermore, tumeunda chapa zetu zenye nguvu "TWS".